Growing a partnership to create greener, cleaner neighbourhoods [Archived]

New plans to transform land on a Middlesbrough estate and improve the environment are underway.

IMG 1938

17 Feb 2022

Thirteen has joined forces with Climate Action Middlesbrough and has cleared the way to begin one of many rewilding projects across the town.

Next month, trees, shrubs and wildflowers will begin to be planted on the land off Saltersgill Avenue.

Environmental specialist John Woods said: “This is one of a number of areas we’re working with colleagues and residents to improve the environment. 

“So that we can start planting, we needed to create a blank canvass and I’m incredibly grateful to everyone who volunteered to clear the site.

“Within the site, we’ll allow for relaxed grass cutting, which will produce a more sustainable and natural environment, providing food and shelter for animals bees and other insects.

“Wildflowers will provide pollen and nectar for insects, bees and other pollinators. Of course, bees are vital to our ecosystems and we must work to protect them.

“Not only will this project improve biodiversity, but less mowing will mean a further reduction in carbon emissions. 

“Sadly, this area has attracted some incidents of dumping litter and flytipping and we want that to stop.

“These projects will bring so many benefits to our customers living on the estates and we hope that by creating greener, cleaner neighbourhoods, everyone who lives in the surrounding areas will take pride in the area.”