Bohouse costs and bills

Find out more about rents and bills living at Bohouse in Middlesbrough.

Rent costs

Property type Size (sq m) Monthly rent (including all service charges) *
One-bedroom plus workspace 54-59 £493.55
Two-bedroom plus workspace 74-81 £572.46
Two-bedroom plus workspace (penthouse) 117-122 £651.40

* There is an amenity charge for personal consumption of gas.


We can’t provide exact costs for all bills as this depends on usage and energy efficiency of appliances.

Gas charges are applied seperately as an amenity charge because there is an air source heat pump and solar hot water panels that will kick in before the gas boiler is required.

Water is metered so costs will depend on how much is used.

There is a shower in each property, low flush toilets and water saving taps, which should reduce usage. 75% of the light fittings are energy efficient which should help keep bills low.

You will need to make your own arrangements for setting up internet access to your apartment; this allows you to shop around for the best deal.

Council Tax banding has been calculated as:

  • one-bedroom apartments: band A
  • two bedroom apartments: band B

Please check with the Middlesbrough Borough Council for current council tax charges. You can claim a 25% single person discount if only one adult is living in the property.